How To Choose The Best Mattress For Side Sleepers


For every person who needs sleep, there will be a person with a different sleeping position than others. This is especially the case for side sleepers since their position can be awkward as much as it is painful if they don’t have the right mattress. Let’s find out just how this particular sleeping position can be accommodated and by what specific Orange County mattress.


For side sleepers, spinal alignment and joint support should be considered when choosing a mattress. If your mattress is too firm, your head and neck will be unaligned, which could give you problems in the morning and will leave your joints a sore mess. On the other hand, if the mattress is too soft, your body will sink too far to get the actual support you need for your spine and neck area. 

Type of Mattress

It’s with this in mind that you’re going to want to get a hybrid mattress. A hybrid mattress is often a combination of a foam and springboard mattress. You will get a balanced mixture of softness and firmness, which will allow your hips and body to sink a bit into the mattress, but not so much so that it can mess with the alignment that you need to get a good night’s sleep. A hybrid mattress will also ensure that you wake up the following day without any of the sores that would come with a hard mattress. With this in mind, you’re going to need to get a hybrid that falls between a 3 or 4 firmness scale if you want it to be effective. 

Foam and Springs

If you pay a visit to any Orange County mattress stores, you need to keep these preferences in mind. You are most likely not going to see the results instantaneously. You will need to give the bed some time for it to adjust and accommodate not only the shape of your body but also your sleeping position. With enough patience, you can reap the benefits that this mattress can offer you. The foam mattress will offer the comfort you need to give your body enough sleeping space to enjoy. The springs will provide the support that can really ease your pressure points and will provide just enough firmness so that your body isn’t suffering from sinking too deeply within the mattress. 


For all you side sleepers out there, keep these notes at the forefront of your mind whenever you’re getting a new Orange County mattress because it could be the difference of whether you wake up in the morning in a good mood or a poor one. Your body is your temple, and how you accommodate it is key to preserving it. 

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