How to Clean Your Foam Mattress

Whenever you clean a foam San Diego mattress, different methods may need to be employed, especially since a foam mattress has a unique composition. Some of the previous methods that you would use on regular mattresses may not be sufficient to get the job done. To help those who use foam mattresses in San Diego, here’s a list of cleaning tactics you can employ.

The problems

How often you clean a foam San Diego mattress depends on your location or how you use your mattress. Due to its composition, a foam mattress could gather mold or mildew if you’re not careful. Give such elements too much time to linger and fester on your mattress, and its lifespan could take a nosedive, not to mention the dust mites or other bugs that could be living within. That is why it is important to eliminate them to make your life a lot easier in terms of reducing anything that can damage your mattress and relieve you of your allergy problems.


Due to the petroleum material that it’s made of, using harsh chemicals to clean your mattress is not recommended. With this in mind, avoid using bleach. Instead, use vinegar mixed with water and put it into a spray bottle to assist in your cleaning endeavors. You can also mix it with Laundry detergent, and you will have a surefire and efficient way to remove the stains that you may find on your mattress. 


If you want to focus more on the surface issues of your mattress, the vacuum is the best tool at your disposal. A handheld vacuum will help you the most in this case, as it can suck up any lint, obvious dust mites, or other unnecessary toppings that could be on your foam mattress. Leave no area untouched and be thorough in your efforts.

Baking Soda

If you want a method that can truly penetrate the depths of your mattress, use baking soda. Lay it all over your mattress and let it sit for a while so that it can effectively do its work. You can also do the other side if you feel it is necessary. You’ll want to do this early in the day so that you have plenty of time to allow the baking soda to sit and do its job before sleep time. 


Regardless of the cleaning methods that you have used above, you’re going to want to dry off your bed. The fan will be critical in accomplishing this. This is to ensure that no mildew or mold forms due to the dampness of your solution or other cleaning material that you may have used previously.


San Diego Foam mattresses are a unique yet precious sleeping commodity that should be treated well so that you can get the most out of them. Since they are not cleaned exactly like their other counterparts, such as their spring or latex brethren, it’s important to take note of the dos and don’ts of cleaning this particular mattress. 

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