Designing Minimalist Modern Bedroom Furniture

Ways to Pull Off the Minimalist Aesthetic with Modern Bedroom Furniture

With the rise in popularity of organization experts like Marie Kondo and other decluttering gurus, the minimalist aesthetic is making a comeback in a big way. If you’ve been bitten by the decluttering bug and wondering how to arrange modern bedroom furniture in this style, enjoy these tips and bring back your bedroom to a state of elegant simplicity and pure relaxation.

6 Tips for Designing a Minimalist Bedroom

Minimal bedrooms give off an understated beauty that crowded rooms simply cannot match. However, some people hesitate to give this style a try because they equate minimalist with cold, bare rooms. A truly minimalist space is far from that – it’s peaceful, welcoming, a place where everything has a purpose. 

Start your redesign with these tips!

Stick to a neutral palette.

Limit your color palette to touches of white and a few moody tones to create a visually soothing space. Apply this rule to as many elements as you can – walls, furniture, pillows, and other major pieces.

Pick out a simple bed frame.

The bed is a bedroom’s focal point, so your choice will set the tone for the rest of the atmosphere. Therefore, stay away from ornate beds and go for something more subtle, such as the narrow and sophisticated lines of a mid-century bed. Look for frames made of metal, or consider a frameless platform bed for the room. 

Welcome natural light.

In a minimalist bedroom, light takes on a life of its own. It’s the perfect complement in a space with very few furniture: it will make your room feel modern, open, and even more minimal. For the best effect, remove the curtains and other window coverings to bring in a huge swath of light, and layer light sources to set a warm mood.

Hang only one or two pieces of artwork.

Clutter has no place in a minimalist bedroom, and this includes the décor. Banish the idea that you need to cover your walls with paintings, photos, and other knick-knacks just to make it look complete. Instead, select one or two pieces of artwork that mean the most to you and give them a special spot on the wall. 

Select “hidden” storage.

There’s nothing like a bulky shelf or clunky drawers to defeat the minimalist look. So while you’re shopping for custom made beds, be on the lookout for storage that almost seems to blend into the room. Modern furniture stores in LA carry single dressers or low shelving that will fit perfectly with this uncluttered style, so they are a great place to start your search.

Add a pop of nature.

A well-placed flower pot or plant is a simple, fun, and earthy touch for any minimalist bedroom. Just make sure you still follow your natural palette; place your greens in a clear jar or a neutral-toned vase in keeping with the theme.

Find Your Ideal Furniture Style!

The minimalist aesthetic is not just about removing as many things as possible from your bedroom. It’s more about being thoughtful about what you bring in so that every element adds something special to the space. Visit any furniture store in Los Angeles and browse other modern furniture styles to find one that truly fits your tastes.

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