Choosing an Orange County Mattress for Your Body Type

If you want to achieve a restful night of sleep, you need a proper Orange County mattress that can support your body. Although mattress shopping can be challenging, it is essential to own a mattress that fits your body type and can target your pressure points so you can sleep comfortably. This article will discuss critical factors to think about when shopping for a mattress that is right for your body type. 


Know Your Body Type

Before you begin browsing mattresses at the Orange County mattress sale, it is important to know your measurements, specifically height and weight. Having these details will help you figure out the amount of support you require from your bed. 

Think About Your Preferred Sleeping Position

Your sleeping position is a significant factor to consider when figuring out the amount of support your body requires for a peaceful sleep. If you typically sleep on your side, you would most likely benefit from a softer mattress that can alleviate your body’s pressure points (usually hips and shoulders). Alternatively, if you tend to sleep on your stomach, you would most likely benefit from a firmer bed that can prevent your body from sinking too deep into the mattress. If you sleep on your back, the most suitable mattress would be a medium-firm bed that can promote healthy spinal alignment.

Find a Bed with Proper Support

The mattress you choose to buy should offer full support for your body. The amount of support you need is based on your body type and preferred sleeping style. A mattress on the side side can result in unhealthy spine curvature and create back pain.  On the flip side, a bed that is too firm can flare up pressure points and make you uncomfortable. A bed with ample support will maintain healthy spine alignment and prevent any muscle or joint pain.

Find Your Preferred Level of Firmness

As you consider finding a mattress in Orange County, keep in mind that the amount of firmness you need is based on your body type and sleeping style. Typically, a mattress on the softer side is not suitable for heavy-set people because it would not provide enough support and could result in sagging. A bed on the firmer side is more suitable for heavy-set sleepers as it can offer enough support to prevent sagging and discomfort. Thin people may benefit from sleeping on a soft bed that can offer cushioning for pressure points.

Determine Your Budget

Mattresses can cost as low as a few hundred dollars to as high as several thousand dollars. As important as it is to find a high-quality mattress, it is equally as important to have a budget in mind. Therefore, you should search for a mattress that not only meets your physical needs but also your financial plan. Remember that a high-quality bed typically has ten years longevity, so do not settle for any product when it comes to finding the proper mattress for your body. 

Test Before You Buy

Before you buy a mattress, it is imperative that you take the time to test it out first. Do not be afraid to lie down and get as comfortable as possible on the bed in your preferred sleeping style and decide if it feels right. If you are not sure how much time is appropriate to spend testing a mattress, consider the 10-15 minute rule on each mattress that appeals to you. Testing will give you a sense of the amount of support and firmness that is adequate for your body type.


Selecting an Orange County mattress that supports your body and makes you feel comfortable is a top priority for being well-rested. As you browse the store, think about your measurements, sleeping style, amount of support and firmness to help make the shopping experience more productive. Ensure the mattress you choose not only meets your needs but also does not break the bank for you. 

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